Start Your Engines Partners Meeting

Start Your Engines Partners Meeting

Start Your Engines Partners Meeting. In this session, my mentor, Vick Strizheus, goes over the updates for the Four Percent Group for the coming months.

Secondly, our intention is to help you in any way we can. So, this video is for those of you who have been waiting for all of the updates to be ready. Such as the automated marketing system.

Thirdly, anybody can apply to become a Four Percent Affiliate for free. They will fill out an application for approval.

If someone is promoting crap, they will not be allowed to become an affiliate.

Lastly, once approved, affiliates can promote products using that product’s standard affiliate link. But will not have the ability to collect leads.

They will not have access to the ecosystem, the MSI and to the custom funnels or selling systems.

First and Foremost…

First and foremost, it is best to become a Promotional Partner. You will get much more perks such as automatic approval into the promo partners program. This will be achieved upon application.

Secondly, partners can promote any product from Four Percent marketplace.

Thirdly, partner earns 30% commission + performance bonus.

Fourthly, they can promote custom funnels (auto-webinars, VSL’s, etc).

Fifthly, partners can collect leads from Four Percent custom funnels that they promote.

Also, they can get every customer hard-coded to them and by default, builds a pool of people in the Four Percent Ecosystem.

In addition, partner can earn commissions on any other products sold in the Four Percent ecosystem passively. As long as they are an active partner.

Another addition is that partners get full access to Four Percent MSI system. They will have access to use one Automated Selling Machine and additional Automated Selling Machines can be purchased separately for $497 each.

Last but not least, partners that are also Success Challenge LIFETIME members get access to ALL automated Selling Machines at no additional cost. (With the exception of Auto Selling Machines for network marketing companies), for instance.

Start Your Engines Partners Meeting

Check out some of our other blogs below. It will help you learn more about the Four Percent Group and what we do on a daily basis to help people:

Four Percent Partners Meeting 6-10-19

FP Partners Launch Strategy Session with Vick

Four Percent Weekly Update 3-27-19

Don’t forget to please post your comments or any questions that you may have below! I will try to answer any and all of your questions that you might have.


By the way – if you haven’t yet, check out The FourPercent Challenge!

Don’t forget to also get my Free e-Book on How To Create Empowering Beliefs To Get Anything You Want  🙂